Welcome to WKND AI!

Your hub to curated AI content

Welcome to WKND AI, your hub for all things Artificial Intelligence!

We're dedicated to fueling your passion for AI and enhancing your understanding of this exciting field.

Each weekend, we diligently research and curate the most insightful AI content from around the web, saving you time and keeping you up-to-date with the latest developments.

The idea for this newsletter sprouted from my own 9-5 job experience, where I struggled to find time during the busy workweek to explore AI news. So, I began dedicating my Saturday mornings to devouring AI-related YouTube videos and sharing my newfound knowledge with friends, family, and colleagues.

Rather than sending a YouTube video here and a LinkedIn post there, I decided to turn my passion into a newsletter where I could share everything I learned with others in a structured and engaging way.

My ultimate goal is to continue researching, curating, and sharing AI content that I find the most relevant with all of you.

Don’t forget! To make sure you don't miss any of our emails:

  • Simply drag this email to your "Primary" inbox

  • Add me to your contacts; or,

  • Reply ‘yes’ to this email

If you don't do one of these, you may not receive my emails.

Now, let's get started on this exciting adventure together!

- Josh

“Our passion for learning…is our tool for survival.”

- Carl Sagan